
Construction is a field ripe for efficiency improvements: notwithstanding improvements in materials and in building science, a building takes roughly the same amount of time and labour to be built today as it did seventy years ago…

As of 11:59 p.m. on March 24, all non-essential workplaces across Ontario were ordered to shut down indefinitely or have employees work from home wherever possible…

In the urban centres of the Ontario of tomorrow, how will we live? Three to five decades from now, will autonomous cars and a seamless transit systems whisk us wherever we need to go? Perhaps robots or drones will deliver our packages and meals…

It’s only been a year since Toronto finally approved as-of-right zoning for laneway housing. But there have already been 100 inquiries – and as similar zoning is extended to the suburbs, as many as 47,000 sites may be eligible for new builds…

What if you could go to Ikea and purchase an entire house – flat-packed, ready to assemble? That is the basic idea behind R-Hauz Solutions. Inc., founded by veteran Toronto builder Leith Moore…

Toronto has a housing problem; some call it a crisis. One of the levers Council is pulling at to increase more urban housing options (a pilot project) is to construct laneway houses in rear yards that abut public lanes…

Leith Moore has worked in land development and home construction since 1981. As president of Waverley Projects Inc., his focus is creative ground-oriented infil1 development and mid-rise transit-oriented development in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area…

City planning and building policies are starting to fall behind private sector innovation as the development industry accelerates its adoption of new technology, say industry professionals…